Chimpanzee ID Sheet
Mugiri Community Chimpanzee ID (Hunt, July 2011)
1. Aye-Aye [AAY] (seen Jan 2011) formerly named Lefty, suspect synonymous with Sacha
Bald spot: no bald spot
Ears: big ears, no notches
Face: grey, with pink discoloration on eyelids
(like eyeshadow) and left side of face
White beard
Brows arching, rounded; not prominent
as can be seen well from lateral view
Gray hair on head
Testicles: grey-black, hairy; faint pink scrotal line
Lower back: bald patch on lower back with grey above; area around anus black, anus bright pink
Ear Notches None
Missing digits: Fifth on left hand, left hand seems to be smaller
and is held in a bent manner; 4th finger stiff
(therefore Aye-Aye, after the Malagasy lemur). This is hard to see when he is
holding on to branch. Maybe he has a snare injury.
Scars: Left hand misshapen
Other: He looks very similar to Vernon, but has not got the ear notch!
He is still shy, but ok when in a tall tree.
2 Bahati [BAH]
Old (est. age: 35)
Stout Body Build
Hair a little ratty/patchy looking
Scapular profile visible through hair, shiny
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
3. Bloomington [BTN]
Prime Male
Ears bent forward
Short face
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
4. Brooklyn [BKN]
Prime Male
Splotchy, mottled black, brown
and tan face
Bald spot
Distinctive silver hair on back
of right thigh
Ear Notches Left ear
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
5. Bryan [BRY]
Old Male
Thighs “straight” (Alimos note); looks knock-kneed, human like
Small body size
Ear Notches: None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
6. Buzz [BZZ] (seen Jan. 2011)
Very old appearing male
Grey hair over entire body
Thin head hair, sometime appearing to be buzzed
Samson saw Buzz and Aye-Aye together
late in 2010 (had been doubt whether
they were the same individual)
Ear notches: none
Scars: none
Missing digits: none
7. Charles [CHL] (ID by MTH July ‘09) Seen Jan 2011
Bigger build
Skin discoloration/ lighter - oval spot just below the side of
his left eye, splotches on brow
Black face
NO testicles (undescended?)
Small bald spot
Ear notches: none
Ear Notches None, but left ear appears pointy from lateral view
Scars Upper right lip, raised spot
NO testicles
Missing digits: None
8. Christophe [CPH] Old Adult (IDed by CD, April 2010) Seen June2011
Bald spot: small
Ears: big ears, pointy
Face: black, longish, long grey beard, big jaw, very
wrinkly around eyes which are close together
Testicles: extremely large, with pink scrotal line
Missing digits: None
Other: Long hair on shoulders, a bit like American football
shoulder pads; generally very long hair on head, shoulders beard,arms
9. Fuller [FLR] (Seen Jan 2011)
Bulky body build
Face dark
Whitish lump by left eye
Black upper body,
brown hindquarters,
rump whitish brown,
Lower body shaggy
Small ears
Flat crew-cut crown
Pronounced dimples on cheek
Flat face in profile
Short face hair
Bald patch
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
10. Golem (GLM) male (IDed by BK, March 2011)
Bulky body build
Narrow but distinct bald
Black hair
Black face with wrinkles around eyes
Distinct eyes arcs
Eyes „hidden“ in orbits, rather close to each other
Wide nose
Ears bend forvard
Black testicles
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
11. Jacko [JKO] (Seen Jan 2011)
Young adult (ID CD April 2010)
Bald spot:small, short hair on top of head
Ears: small, round, BROWN ears
Face: black, white beard on lower jaw
Testicles: Seemingly NO testicles, black scrotum
Lower back
Missing digits: None
- white hair on back of both hands, like gloves
- head is very sqare and flat on top, a bit Frankenstein-esque, especially when viewed from below.
- very well habituated, tolerates close human presence in trees an on ground without being alarmed. can be followed well on the ground.
Missing digits: none
Ear notches: none
Scars: none, but no testicles
12. Kali [KLI] (ID by MTH Aug 2009; not seen since?)
Old Adult
Long face
Short brow ridge
White beard
Black body hair
Bald spot with grey hair on edges
Dark face except for RED discoloration
-Notably lower brow ridge, left cheek, lips
Patchy thin hair on grey hands
Very worn teeth
Missing digits: none
Ear notches: none
Scars: none
13. Kull [KUL] (ID’ed by David Samson 6/08) SEEN JAN 2011
Prime male
Hair: Neck seems to have mane
Head: Triangle shaped bald spot
Splotchy, pink-ish face
Ears: sleeked back, small notch in left
Scars: Ninja star shaped on right side of face
Missing Digits: none
Left hand, middle finger, entire last digit skin
Visibly discolored – pink/tan
14. Latham [LTM] (seen Jan 2011; Ided by KDH 5 July 2005)
Young Prime male
No bald spot
Face a distinct mahogany red-
Very regular, perfect features
except slightly long face
Jaw somewhat square
Black hair, long smooth
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
15. Mandarin [MDN] male (IDed by JV, BK Feb. 2011)
Wide triangular bald spot
Light brown testicles
Short face
Pigment discolouration forming black streaks on face
Lower jaw lighter, some grey hair on chin
Prominent eye arches
Few long white hairs on eyebrows
Right nostril seems to be slit upwards
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
16. Mauer [MAU] (ID’ed by Webster Nov 08) (seen Jan 2011)
Old adult
Gray hair
Left ear folded
Distinctly double-arched brows
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
17. Mitani [MTN] (ID’ed by Webster Nov 08)
Prime Male
Infinity-shaped bald spot
Black Face
Scars: Small scar on right side of forehead
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: Unreported; please do best to see them!
Prime Male (ID’ed by Webster Nov 08)
Infinity-shaped bald spot
Brown Face
More robust than Mitani
Missing digits: unreported
19. Mzee [MZE] Prime Male (Alimosi, 2008) (seen Jan 2011)
Possibly alpha
Brows pointy or visor-like over eyes
Black hair
Wide face
Square ears
Pink-ish spot on left upper lip
Wide face
Ear notches: none
Scars: none
Missing digits: none
20. Nishida [NSH] Young Male (size of adult, but still subadult?)
Estimated birthdate: 1996
Brown face
“8” shaped bald spot, yielding a concave
appearance to top of head
Distinctive bi-lobed ears
Angled flat spot on lateral brow
Ear notches: none
Scars: none
Missing digits: none
21. Randy [RND] Adult Male
Pink lips
Black face
Hair lighter brown on back of legs and
grayish brown on back from midway down
Distinct ischial pads
No spots on testicles
Ear notches: Right unscarred; left? (unreported)
Scars: None
Missing digits: Missing great toe on right foot
22. Sacha [SCH] Prime Male (est. age late 20’s in 2005)
Lower back with white band across
area just above anus/ischial pads
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
23. Seneca [SNC], male (IDed by BK, March 2011)
Wide triangular bald
Black fur, longer on shoulders
Bulky body buil, robust in shoulders
Dark brown face without visible wrinkles
Dark brown hands and feet
Short face
Eyes rather close to each other
Narrow nose
Big ears making face triangular in shape
Short white beard
Dark rather small testicles
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: Feet - none
Right hand - unreported
Left hand - one digit of first finger ?
24. Soko [SKO] (Sokwe Mtu) Adult (ID by MTH July 2009) (seen Jan 2011)
Black face
All black hair except gray “goatee”
Small white spot underneath left eye
Cheeks appear sunken – as 1 deep pock on left cheek
and 2 on right
Possibly a small mole above left brow within
bald spot, difficult to see
Large lt. brown and black splotchy testicles
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
25. Tusker [TKR] Adult (ID by MTH July 2009) (seen Jan 2011)
Light brown face, brown feet
Dark brown hair
Brow ridge distinctly curves around lateral
sides of eyes, appears as he is wearing
goggles and eyes appear darker from shade
Bald batch is bi-lobed with a tuft of hair continuing
through the middle
Ear notches: upper left ear folded backward
Scars: none reported
Missing digits: all fingers, toes not reported
26. Vernon [VRN] Adult (ID by MTH July ’09) (seen Jan 2011)
Short, grey, thinning hair on the top of his head
Baldness more noticeable on left of head, however
No distinct bald patch
Lighter hair around face and chin
Dark face
Large testicles
Gorilla-like nose with nostrils more vertical than most
Ear notches: left ear
Scars: none
Missing digits: left pinky finger, little stub remains
27. Weiss (“Fluffy”) [WSS] Prime male
Hair very light (for a chimp)
light gray-brown
Hair curly and disheveled looking
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
28. Wrangham [WRG] Young adult male (2009) (seen Jan 2011)
Estimated birthdate: 1991
Face brown with black webby pattern, esp. under zygomatics
Distinctly brown hands, feet
right ear like a Pringles chip, bent forward in
middle (see sideview, right)
Ears look thinner on bottom from front, thinner
on tip from side
Left ear has undulating surface
See bald patch shape
Ear notch: none
Scars: Distinct line on right upper lip when light is right.
Scar? Deep wrinkle?
Missing digits: none
29, 30, 31: Unconfirmed, Alimosi believes there are three males without scars, missing digits or other identifying marks that he has seen together. KDH (19 July, 2012): these may be Nishida, McGrew and Mitani, but Alimosi believes not.
Subadult Males
HUNTER [HNT] sub-adult male (ID MTH Oct 2009)
Tan face, dark brown fur
White/lighter hair around butt
Brown hands
‘Beard’ and some grey hair goatee
Wrinkly face with noticeable deep wrinkles
appearing on either side of nose
sparser hair around neck and underside of arms
eye ridge continues around edges of eyes
Ear notches: none
Missing Digits: none
Scars: none
Pupil [PPL] young male (IDed by BK, March 2011)
Dark brown fur
Some white hair around butt
Brown hands and feet
Light brown face with some discolorations
Pink spots on left side of face, above upper lip
Narrow nose with small nostrills
Big ears, left squared
Short white beard
Ear Notches None
Scars: None
Missing Digits: None
Alimos [ALM] Late middle age female
Distinct Bald patch
Ear Notches None
Missing Digits: None
Pinky [PKY] Adult multiparous female
Dark face
Distinctive Pink lips
Further pink mark above lips on left
WHITE beard
Black hands, feed
Marchant [MCH] Adult (ID MTH Aug 2009)
Large female, stout
Black hair, black face
Top of head appears flat
Brow ridge only extends over eyes in between eyes, otherwise
sort of molded into skull
Bald spot
Wider face
Missing digits: none
Scars: none
Ear notches: left ear none, right ear unreported
Virginia [VGV] Adult, multiparous (IDed by CD, April 2010)
Dependent infant: Sofi, female, 2-3 years old (April 2010)
Bald spot: no bald spot, very short hair on head like Buzz
Ears: big, bent forward ears.
Face: black, gorilla like nose
Swelling: ?
Lower back: ?
Missing digits: ?